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About Me
**To Whom it May Concern:** Thank you so very much for giving me the wisdom to know what's important in life, and the strength to pursue it.

I'm happily living in California.

**THE MOST ROOMMATES** 19 different roommates at MSU + 2 host parents in Japan = Living with 21 people in 4 years. Well, my undergraduate years definitely helped me develop social skills and learn how to deal with lots of different kinds of people.

**My Personality?** I like to make people happy and I'm almost always smiling. I'm sometimes loud and outgoing, and I don't hesitate to give my opinion, but I am modest and shy sometimes too.

**...Japan?** Living in Japan for the Spring 2006 semester further helped me improve my communication skills. I love being able to talk with people and share ideas and make friends. I learned a lot of Japanese and I did study a lot for that class. I also returned to Japan in the summer of 2006 and in the spring of 2009. I'll always remember the fun times I had there.
Ace Mutou


Marital Status: Married
I love: I enjoy learning: Gamer for life!
My Husband
Japanese language

Don't cry if you feel the pieces falling apart... just keep looking to the sky... know that people love you.. walk the dark city streets with a fire of hope in your heart, and find love in all the right places... keep on going, wherever your travels lead you, you have my blessings... watch the wind carry your worries away, and the rising sun in the east will erase the memories you carry trapped in your mind.. Now rest, easy, take in the fresh air, and smile... Just smile at me now... All I want is your smile, it's all I ever wanted.. because your smile makes me feel as if I can live forever in your eyes.. and I never want to lose you.. Please don't go... if you do, remember me.. and the sunlight will continue to keep us warm, even if we cannot do so for each other.. and the rain can wash our tears away, it will hide our unhappiness... until we are together again...--written by me, while listening to Hyde's "Evergreen" at 2 AM on a Saturday morning in April '05'